Source code for extraction.core.functions.custom.localisation

""" How to do the nuc Est Conv from MATLAB
Based on the code in MattSegCode/Matt Seg

Especially lines 342 to  399.
This part only replicates the method to get the nuc_est_conv values
import typing as t
import numpy as np
import skimage
from scipy import signal, stats

[docs]def matlab_style_gauss2D(shape=(3, 3), sigma=0.5): """ 2D gaussian mask - should give the same result as MATLAB's fspecial('gaussian',[shape],[sigma]) """ m, n = [(ss - 1.0) / 2.0 for ss in shape] y, x = np.ogrid[-m : m + 1, -n : n + 1] h = np.exp(-(x * x + y * y) / (2.0 * sigma * sigma)) h[h < np.finfo(h.dtype).eps * h.max()] = 0 sumh = h.sum() if sumh != 0: h /= sumh return h
[docs]def gauss3D( shape: t.Tuple[int] = (3, 3, 3), sigma: t.Tuple[float] = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) ): """3D gaussian mask - based on MATLAB's fspecial but made 3D.""" m, n, p = [(ss - 1.0) / 2.0 for ss in shape] z, y, x = np.ogrid[-p : p + 1, -m : m + 1, -n : n + 1] sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz = sigma xx = (x**2) / (2 * sigmax) yy = (y**2) / (2 * sigmay) zz = (z**2) / (2 * sigmaz) h = np.exp(-(xx + yy + zz)) h[h < np.finfo(h.dtype).eps * h.max()] = 0 # Truncate sumh = h.sum() if sumh != 0: h /= sumh return h
[docs]def small_peaks_conv(cell_mask: np.ndarray, trap_image: np.ndarray): cell_fluo = trap_image[cell_mask] # Get the number of pixels in the cell num_cell_fluo = len(np.nonzero(cell_fluo)[0]) # Sort cell pixels in descending fluorescence order ratio_overlap = num_cell_fluo * 0.025 # TODO what is this? # Small Peak Conv # Convolution parameters conv_matrix = np.zeros((3, 3)) # This makes a matrix with zeros in the corners and ones every where else # Basically the minimal disk. conv_matrix[1, :] = 1 conv_matrix[:, 1] = 1 # Reshape so that it is the size of a fifth of the cell, which is what we # expect the size of the nucleus to be. # TODO directly get a disk of that size? # new_shape = tuple(x * ratio_overlap / 5 for x in conv_matrix.shape) # conv_matrix = misc.imresize(conv_matrix, new_shape) conv_matrix = skimage.morphology.disk(3 * ratio_overlap / 5) # Apply convolution to the image # TODO maybe rename 'conv_matrix' to 'kernel' fluo_peaks = signal.convolve(trap_image, conv_matrix, "same") fluo_peaks = fluo_peaks[cell_mask] small_peak_conv = np.max(fluo_peaks) return small_peak_conv
[docs]def nuc_est_conv( cell_mask: np.ndarray, trap_image: np.ndarray, alpha: t.Optional[float] = 0.95, object_radius_estimation: t.Optional[float] = 0.085, gaussian_filter_shape: t.Optional[t.Union[int, t.Tuple[int]]] = None, gaussian_sigma: t.Optional[float] = None, ): """ :param cell_mask: the segmentation mask of the cell (filled) :param trap_image: the image for the trap in which the cell is (all channels) :param alpha: optional distribution alpha to get confidence intervals :param object_radius_estimation: optional estimated object volume (in pixels), used to estimate the object radius. :param gaussian_filter_shape: optional tuple to pass to matlab_style_gauss2D, determines the kernel shape for convolutions. :param gaussian_sigma: optional optional sigma to pass to matlab_style_gauss2D as sigma argument. """ if alpha is None: alpha = 0.95 if object_radius_estimation is None: object_radius_estimation = 0.085 cell_loc = cell_mask # np.where(cell_mask)[0] cell_fluo = trap_image[cell_mask] num_cell_fluo = len(np.nonzero(cell_fluo)[0]) chi2inv = stats.distributions.chi2.ppf(alpha, df=2) approx_nuc_radius = np.sqrt( object_radius_estimation * num_cell_fluo / np.pi ) if gaussian_sigma is None: gaussian_sigma = float(approx_nuc_radius / np.sqrt(chi2inv)) # Nuc Est Conv filter_size = int(np.ceil(2 * approx_nuc_radius)) gaussian_filter_shape = (2 * filter_size + 1,) * 2 nuc_filter = matlab_style_gauss2D(gaussian_filter_shape, gaussian_sigma) cell_image = trap_image - np.median(cell_fluo) cell_image[~cell_loc] = 0 nuc_conv = signal.convolve(cell_image, nuc_filter, "same") nuc_est_conv = np.max(nuc_conv) nuc_est_conv /= ( np.sum(nuc_filter**2) * alpha * np.pi * chi2inv * gaussian_sigma**2 ) return nuc_est_conv
[docs]def nuc_conv_3d(cell_mask, trap_image, pixel_size=0.23, spacing=0.6): cell_mask = np.stack([cell_mask] * trap_image.shape[0]) ratio = spacing / pixel_size cell_fluo = trap_image[cell_mask] num_cell_fluo = len(np.nonzero(cell_fluo)[0]) # Nuc Est Conv alpha = 0.95 approx_nuc_radius = np.sqrt(0.085 * num_cell_fluo / np.pi) chi2inv = stats.distributions.chi2.ppf(alpha, df=2) sd_est = approx_nuc_radius / np.sqrt(chi2inv) nuc_filt_hw = np.ceil(2 * approx_nuc_radius) nuc_filter = gauss3D( (2 * nuc_filt_hw + 1,) * 3, (sd_est, sd_est, sd_est * ratio) ) cell_image = trap_image - np.median(cell_fluo) cell_image[~cell_mask] = 0 nuc_conv = signal.convolve(cell_image, nuc_filter, "same") nuc_est_conv = np.max(nuc_conv) nuc_est_conv /= ( np.sum(nuc_filter**2) * alpha * np.pi * chi2inv * sd_est**2 ) return nuc_est_conv