Source code for aliby.tile.traps

A set of utilities for dealing with ALCATRAS traps

import numpy as np
from skimage import feature, transform
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
from skimage.filters.rank import entropy
from skimage.measure import label, regionprops
from skimage.morphology import closing, disk, square
from skimage.segmentation import clear_border
from skimage.util import img_as_ubyte

[docs]def half_floor(x, tile_size): return x - tile_size // 2
[docs]def half_ceil(x, tile_size): return x + -(tile_size // -2)
[docs]def segment_traps( image, tile_size, downscale=0.4, disk_radius_frac=0.01, square_size=3, min_frac_tilesize=0.3, **identify_traps_kwargs, ): """ Uses an entropy filter and Otsu thresholding to find a trap template, which is then passed to identify_trap_locations. To obtain candidate traps it the major axis length of a tile must be smaller than tilesize. The hyperparameters have not been optimised. Parameters ---------- image: 2D array tile_size: integer Size of the tile downscale: float (optional) Fraction by which to shrink image disk_radius_frac: float (optional) Radius of disk using in the entropy filter square_size: integer (optional) Parameter for a morphological closing applied to thresholded image min_frac_tilesize: float (optional) max_frac_tilesize: float (optional) Used to determine bounds on the major axis length of regions suspected of containing traps. identify_traps_kwargs: Passed to identify_trap_locations Returns ------- traps: an array of pairs of integers The coordinates of the centroids of the traps """ # keep a memory of image in case need to re-run img = image # bounds on major axis length of traps min_mal = min_frac_tilesize * tile_size # shrink image if downscale != 1: img = transform.rescale(image, downscale) # generate an entropy image using a disk footprint disk_radius = int(min([disk_radius_frac * x for x in img.shape])) entropy_image = entropy(img_as_ubyte(img), disk(disk_radius)) if downscale != 1: entropy_image = transform.rescale(entropy_image, 1 / downscale) # find Otsu threshold for entropy image thresh = threshold_otsu(entropy_image) # apply morphological closing to thresholded, and so binary, image bw = closing(entropy_image > thresh, square(square_size)) # remove artifacts connected to image border cleared = clear_border(bw) # label distinct regions of the image label_image = label(cleared) # find regions likely to contain traps: # with a major axis length within a certain range # and a centroid at least tile_size // 2 away from the image edge idx_valid_region = [ (i, region) for i, region in enumerate(regionprops(label_image)) if min_mal < region.major_axis_length < tile_size and tile_size // 2 < region.centroid[0] < half_floor(image.shape[0], tile_size) - 1 and tile_size // 2 < region.centroid[1] < half_floor(image.shape[1], tile_size) - 1 ] assert idx_valid_region, "No valid tiling regions found" _, valid_region = zip(*idx_valid_region) # find centroids and minor axes lengths of valid regions centroids = ( np.array([x.centroid for x in valid_region]).round().astype(int) ) minals = [region.minor_axis_length for region in valid_region] # coords for best trap x, y = np.round(centroids[np.argmin(minals)]).astype(int) # make candidate templates from the other traps found candidate_templates = [ image[ half_floor(x, tile_size) : half_ceil(x, tile_size), half_floor(y, tile_size) : half_ceil(y, tile_size), ] for x, y in centroids ] # make a mean template from all the found traps mean_template = np.dstack(candidate_templates).astype(int).mean(axis=-1) # find traps using the mean trap template traps = identify_trap_locations( image, mean_template, **identify_traps_kwargs ) # if there are too few traps, try again traps_retry = [] if len(traps) < 30 and downscale != 1: print("Tiler:TrapIdentification: Trying again.") traps_retry = segment_traps(image, tile_size, downscale=1) # return results with the most number of traps if len(traps_retry) < len(traps): return traps else: return traps_retry
[docs]def identify_trap_locations( image, trap_template, optimize_scale=True, downscale=0.35, trap_size=None ): """ Identify the traps in a single image based on a trap template, which requires the trap template to be similar to the image (same camera, same magification - ideally the same experiment). Uses normalised correlation in scikit-image's match_template. The search is speeded up by downscaling both the image and the trap template before running the template matching. The trap template is rotated and re-scaled to improve matching. The parameters of the rotation and rescaling are optimised, although over restricted ranges. Parameters ---------- image: 2D array trap_template: 2D array optimize_scale : boolean (optional) downscale: float (optional) Fraction by which to downscale to increase speed trap_size: integer (optional) If unspecified, the size is determined from the trap_template Returns ------- coordinates: an array of pairs of integers """ if trap_size is None: trap_size = trap_template.shape[0] # careful: the image is float16! img = transform.rescale(image.astype(float), downscale) template = transform.rescale(trap_template, downscale) # try multiple rotations of template to determine # which best matches the image # result is squared because the sign of the correlation is unimportant matches = { rotation: feature.match_template( img, transform.rotate(template, rotation, cval=np.median(img)), pad_input=True, mode="median", ) ** 2 for rotation in [0, 90, 180, 270] } # find best rotation best_rotation = max(matches, key=lambda x: np.percentile(matches[x], 99.9)) # rotate template by best rotation template = transform.rotate(template, best_rotation, cval=np.median(img)) if optimize_scale: # try multiple scales appled to template to determine which # best matches the image scales = np.linspace(0.5, 2, 10) matches = { scale: feature.match_template( img, transform.rescale(template, scale), mode="median", pad_input=True, ) ** 2 for scale in scales } # find best scale best_scale = max( matches, key=lambda x: np.percentile(matches[x], 99.9) ) # choose the best result - an image of normalised correlations # with the template matched = matches[best_scale] else: # find the image of normalised correlations with the template matched = feature.match_template( img, template, pad_input=True, mode="median" ) # re-scale back the image of normalised correlations # find the coordinates of local maxima coordinates = feature.peak_local_max( transform.rescale(matched, 1 / downscale), min_distance=int(trap_size * 0.70), exclude_border=(trap_size // 3), ) return coordinates
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[docs]def stretch_image(image): # FIXME Used in aliby.utils.imageViewer image = ((image - image.min()) / (image.max() - image.min())) * 255 minval = np.percentile(image, 2) maxval = np.percentile(image, 98) image = np.clip(image, minval, maxval) image = (image - minval) / (maxval - minval) return image