Source code for

Tools to manage I/O using a remote OMERO server.

import re
import typing as t
from abc import abstractmethod
from pathlib import PosixPath

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import omero
from dask import delayed
from omero.gateway import BlitzGateway
from omero.model import enums as omero_enums
from yaml import safe_load

from import BridgeH5

# convert OMERO definitions into numpy types
    omero_enums.PixelsTypeint8: np.int8,
    omero_enums.PixelsTypeuint8: np.uint8,
    omero_enums.PixelsTypeint16: np.int16,
    omero_enums.PixelsTypeuint16: np.uint16,
    omero_enums.PixelsTypeint32: np.int32,
    omero_enums.PixelsTypeuint32: np.uint32,
    omero_enums.PixelsTypefloat: np.float32,
    omero_enums.PixelsTypedouble: np.float64,

[docs]class BridgeOmero: """ Core to interact with OMERO, using credentials or fetching them from h5 file (temporary trick). See """
[docs] def __init__( self, host: str = None, username: str = None, password: str = None, ome_id: int = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- host : string web address of OMERO host username: string password : string ome_id: Optional int Unique identifier on Omero database. Used to fetch specific objects. """ # assert all((host, username, password)), str(f"Invalid credentials host:{host}, user:{username}, pass:{pass}") assert all( (host, username, password) ), f"Invalid credentials. host: {host}, user: {username}, pwd: {password}" self.conn = None = host self.username = username self.password = password self.ome_id = ome_id
# standard method required for Python's with statement def __enter__(self): self.create_gate() return self @property def ome_class(self): # Initialise Omero Object Wrapper for instances when applicable. if not hasattr(self, "_ome_class"): assert ( self.conn.isConnected() and self.ome_id is not None ), "No Blitz connection or valid omero id" ome_type = [ valid_name for valid_name in ("Dataset", "Image") if re.match( f".*{ valid_name }.*", self.__class__.__name__, re.IGNORECASE, ) ][0] self._ome_class = self.conn.getObject(ome_type, self.ome_id) assert self._ome_class, f"{ome_type} {self.ome_id} not found." return self._ome_class def create_gate(self) -> bool: self.conn = BlitzGateway(, username=self.username, passwd=self.password ) self.conn.connect() self.conn.c.enableKeepAlive(60) self.conn.isConnected() # standard method required for Python's with statement def __exit__(self, *exc) -> bool: for e in exc: if e is not None: print(e) self.conn.close() return False
[docs] @classmethod def server_info_from_h5( cls, filepath: t.Union[str, PosixPath], ): """Return server info from hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- cls : BridgeOmero BridgeOmero class filepath : t.Union[str, PosixPath] Location of hdf5 file. Examples -------- FIXME: Add docs. """ # metadata = load_attributes(filepath) bridge = BridgeH5(filepath) server_info = safe_load(bridge.meta_h5["parameters"])["general"][ "server_info" ] return server_info
def set_id(self, ome_id: int): self.ome_id = ome_id @property def file_annotations(self): valid_annotations = [ ann.getFileName() for ann in self.ome_class.listAnnotations() if hasattr(ann, "getFileName") ] return valid_annotations
[docs] def add_file_as_annotation( self, file_to_upload: t.Union[str, PosixPath], **kwargs ): """Upload annotation to object on OMERO server. Only valid in subclasses. Parameters ---------- file_to_upload: File to upload **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed on to BlitzGateway.createFileAnnfromLocalFile """ file_annotation = self.conn.createFileAnnfromLocalFile( file_to_upload, mimetype="text/plain", **kwargs, ) self.ome_class.linkAnnotation(file_annotation)
[docs]class Dataset(BridgeOmero):
[docs] def __init__(self, expt_id: str or int, **server_info): super().__init__(ome_id=expt_id, **server_info)
@property def name(self): return self.ome_class.getName() @property def date(self): return self.ome_class.getDate() @property def unique_name(self): return "_".join( ( str(self.ome_id),"%Y_%m_%d").replace("/", "_"),, ) ) def get_images(self): return { im.getName(): im.getId() for im in self.ome_class.listChildren() } @property def files(self): if not hasattr(self, "_files"): self._files = { x.getFileName(): x for x in self.ome_class.listAnnotations() if isinstance(x, omero.gateway.FileAnnotationWrapper) } if not len(self._files): raise Exception( "exception:metadata: experiment has no annotation files." ) elif len(self.file_annotations) != len(self._files): raise Exception("Number of files and annotations do not match") return self._files @property def tags(self): if self._tags is None: self._tags = { x.getname(): x for x in self.ome_class.listAnnotations() if isinstance(x, omero.gateway.TagAnnotationWrapper) } return self._tags def cache_logs(self, root_dir): valid_suffixes = ("txt", "log") for _, annotation in self.files.items(): filepath = root_dir / annotation.getFileName().replace("/", "_") if ( any([str(filepath).endswith(suff) for suff in valid_suffixes]) and not filepath.exists() ): # save only the text files with open(str(filepath), "wb") as fd: for chunk in annotation.getFileInChunks(): fd.write(chunk) return True
[docs] @classmethod def from_h5( cls, filepath: t.Union[str, PosixPath], ): """Instatiate Dataset from a hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- cls : Image Image class filepath : t.Union[str, PosixPath] Location of hdf5 file. Examples -------- FIXME: Add docs. """ # metadata = load_attributes(filepath) bridge = BridgeH5(filepath) dataset_keys = ("omero_id", "omero_id,", "dataset_id") for k in dataset_keys: if k in bridge.meta_h5: return cls( bridge.meta_h5[k], **cls.server_info_from_h5(filepath) )
[docs]class Image(BridgeOmero): """ Loads images from OMERO and gives access to the data and metadata. """
[docs] def __init__(self, image_id: int, **server_info): """ Establishes the connection to the OMERO server via the Argo base class. Parameters ---------- image_id: integer server_info: dictionary Specifies the host, username, and password as strings """ super().__init__(ome_id=image_id, **server_info)
[docs] @classmethod def from_h5( cls, filepath: t.Union[str, PosixPath], ): """Instatiate Image from a hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- cls : Image Image class filepath : t.Union[str, PosixPath] Location of hdf5 file. Examples -------- FIXME: Add docs. """ # metadata = load_attributes(filepath) bridge = BridgeH5(filepath) image_id = bridge.meta_h5["image_id"] return cls(image_id, **cls.server_info_from_h5(filepath))
@property def name(self): return self.ome_class.getName() @property def data(self): return get_data_lazy(self.ome_class) @property def metadata(self): """ Store metadata saved in OMERO: image size, number of time points, labels of channels, and image name. """ meta = dict() meta["size_x"] = self.ome_class.getSizeX() meta["size_y"] = self.ome_class.getSizeY() meta["size_z"] = self.ome_class.getSizeZ() meta["size_c"] = self.ome_class.getSizeC() meta["size_t"] = self.ome_class.getSizeT() meta["channels"] = self.ome_class.getChannelLabels() meta["name"] = self.ome_class.getName() return meta
[docs]class UnsafeImage(Image): """ Loads images from OMERO and gives access to the data and metadata. This class is a temporary solution while we find a way to use context managers inside napari. It risks resulting in zombie connections and producing freezes in an OMERO server. """
[docs] def __init__(self, image_id, **server_info): """ Establishes the connection to the OMERO server via the Argo base class. Parameters ---------- image_id: integer server_info: dictionary Specifies the host, username, and password as strings """ super().__init__(image_id, **server_info) self.create_gate()
@property def data(self): try: return get_data_lazy(self.ome_class) except Exception as e: print(f"ERROR: Failed fetching image from server: {e}") self.conn.connect(False)
[docs]def get_data_lazy(image) -> da.Array: """ Get 5D dask array, with delayed reading from OMERO image. """ nt, nc, nz, ny, nx = [getattr(image, f"getSize{x}")() for x in "TCZYX"] pixels = image.getPrimaryPixels() dtype = PIXEL_TYPES.get(pixels.getPixelsType().value, None) # using dask get_plane = delayed(lambda idx: pixels.getPlane(*idx)) def get_lazy_plane(zct): return da.from_delayed(get_plane(zct), shape=(ny, nx), dtype=dtype) # 5D stack: TCZXY t_stacks = [] for t in range(nt): c_stacks = [] for c in range(nc): z_stack = [] for z in range(nz): z_stack.append(get_lazy_plane((z, c, t))) c_stacks.append(da.stack(z_stack)) t_stacks.append(da.stack(c_stacks)) return da.stack(t_stacks)