Anthology of interfaces for different parsers and lack of them.

ALIBY decides on using different metadata parsers based on two elements:

  1. The parameter given by PipelineParameters (Either True/False, or a string pointing to the metadata file)

  2. The available files in the root folder where images are found (remote or locally)

If parameters is a string pointing to a metadata file, ALIBY picks a parser based on the file format. If parameters is True (as a boolean), ALIBY searches for any available file and uses the first valid one. If there are no metadata files, ALIBY requires indicating indices for tiler, segmentation and extraction.


datetime_to_timestamp(time[, locale])

Convert datetime object to UNIX timestamp

dir_to_meta(path[, suffix])


Function to dispatch different metadata parsers that convert logfiles into a basic metadata dictionary.


find_file(root_dir, regex)

flatten_dict(nested_dict[, separator])

Flattens nested dictionary.



Convert raw parsing of Swainlab logfile to the metadata interface.

parse_logfiles(root_dir[, acq_grammar, ...])

Parse acq and log files depending on the grammar specified, then merge into single dict.


Dispatcher function that determines which parser to use based on the file ending.


MetaData(log_dir, store)

Small metadata Process that loads log.