Source code for postprocessor.core.processes.fft

from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import ParametersABC
from scipy.signal import periodogram

from import PostProcessABC

[docs]class fftParameters(ParametersABC): """ Parameters for the 'fft' process. Attributes ---------- sampling_period: float Sampling period of measurement values, in unit time. oversampling_factor: float Oversampling factor, which indicates how many times a signal is sampled over the Nyquist rate. For example, if the oversampling factor is 2, the signal is sampled at 2 times the Nyquist rate. """ _defaults = { "sampling_period": 5, "oversampling_factor": 1, }
[docs]class fft(PostProcessABC): """ Process to estimate power spectral density (classical/Fourier). Methods ------- classical_periodogram(timeseries: array_like, sampling_period: float, oversampling_factor: float) Estimates the power spectral density using a periodogram. run(signal: pd.DataFrame) Estimates the power spectral density of a dataframe of time series. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters: fftParameters): super().__init__(parameters)
[docs] def classical_periodogram( self, timeseries, sampling_period, oversampling_factor, ): """ Estimates the power spectral density using a periodogram. This is based on a fast Fourier transform. The power spectrum is normalised so that the area under the power spectrum is constant across different time series, thus allowing users to easily compare spectra across time series. See: * Scargle (1982). Astrophysical Journal 263 p. 835-853 * Glynn et al (2006). Bioinformatics 22(3) 310-316 Parameters --------- timeseries: array_like Time series of measurement values. sampling_period: float Sampling period of measurement values, in unit time. oversampling_factor: float Oversampling factor, which indicates how many times a signal is sampled over the Nyquist rate. For example, if the oversampling factor is 2, the signal is sampled at 2 times the Nyquist rate. Returns ------- freqs: ndarray Array of sample frequencies, unit time-1. power: ndarray Power spectral density or power spectrum of the time series, arbitrary units. """ freqs, power = periodogram( timeseries, fs=1 / (oversampling_factor * sampling_period), nfft=len(timeseries) * oversampling_factor, detrend="constant", return_onesided=True, scaling="spectrum", ) # Required to correct units; units will be expressed in min-1 (or any other # unit) freqs = oversampling_factor * freqs # Normalisation (Scargle, 1982; Glynn et al., 2006) power = power * (0.5 * len(timeseries)) # Normalisation by variance to allow comparing different time series # (Scargle, 1982) power = power / np.var(timeseries, ddof=1) return freqs, power
[docs] def run(self, signal: pd.DataFrame): """ Estimates the power spectral density of a dataframe of time series. This uses the classical periodogram. All NaNs are dropped as the Fourier transform used does not afford missing time points or time points with uneven spacing in the time dimension. For time series with missing values, the Lomb-Scargle periodogram is suggested (processes/ Parameters ---------- signal: pandas.DataFrame Time series, with rows indicating individiual time series (e.g. from each cell), and columns indicating time points. Returns ------- freqs_df: pandas.DataFrame Sample frequencies from each time series, with labels preserved from 'signal'. power_df: pandas.DataFrame Power spectrum from each time series, with labels preserved from 'signal'. """ FftAxes = namedtuple("FftAxes", ["freqs", "power"]) # Each element in this list is a named tuple: (freqs, power) axes = [ FftAxes( *self.classical_periodogram( timeseries=signal.iloc[row_index, :].dropna().values, sampling_period=self.sampling_period, oversampling_factor=self.oversampling_factor, ) ) for row_index in range(len(signal)) ] freqs_df = pd.DataFrame( [element.freqs for element in axes], index=signal.index ) power_df = pd.DataFrame( [element.power for element in axes], index=signal.index ) return freqs_df, power_df