Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import re
from itertools import product
from pydoc import locate

from import ParametersABC, ProcessABC

[docs]class PostProcessABC(ProcessABC): """ Extend ProcessABC to add as_function, allowing for all PostProcesses to be called as functions almost directly. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@classmethod def as_function(cls, data, *extra_data, **kwargs): # FIXME can this be a __call__ method instead? # Find the parameter's default parameters = cls.default_parameters(**kwargs) return cls(parameters=parameters).run(data, *extra_data) @classmethod def default_parameters(cls, *args, **kwargs): return get_parameters(cls.__name__).default(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_process(process, suffix="") -> PostProcessABC or ParametersABC or None: """ Dynamically import a process class from the available process locations. Assumes process filename and class name are the same Processes return the same shape as their input. MultiSignal either take or return multiple datasets (or both). Reshapers return a different shape for processes: Merger and Picker belong here. suffix : str Name of suffix, generally "" (empty) or "Parameters". """ base_location = "postprocessor.core" possible_locations = ("processes", "multisignal", "reshapers") valid_syntaxes = ( _to_snake_case(process), _to_pascal_case(_to_snake_case(process)), ) found = None for possible_location, process_syntax in product( possible_locations, valid_syntaxes ): location = f"{base_location}.{possible_location}.{_to_snake_case(process)}.{process_syntax}{suffix}" found = locate(location) if found is not None: break else: raise Exception( f"{process} not found in locations {possible_locations} at {base_location}" ) return found
[docs]def get_parameters(process: str) -> ParametersABC: """ Dynamically import parameters from the 'processes' folder. Assumes parameter is the same name as the file with 'Parameters' added at the end. """ return get_process(process, suffix="Parameters")
def _to_pascal_case(snake_str: str) -> str: # Convert a snake_case string to PascalCase. # Based on components = snake_str.split("_") return "".join(x.title() for x in components) def _to_snake_case(pascal_str: str) -> str: # Convert a snake_case string to PascalCase. # Based on return re.sub("(?!^)([A-Z]+)", r"_\1", pascal_str).lower()