Source code for logfile_parser.swainlab_parser

#!/usr/bin/env jupyter
# TODO should this be merged to the regular logfile_parser structure?
Description of new logfile:

All three conditions are concatenated in a single file, in this order:
 - Experiment basic information  (URL in acquisition PC, project, user input)
 - Acquisition settings
 - Experiment start

The section separators are:
-----Acquisition settings-----
-----Experiment started-----

And for a successfully finished experiment we get:

YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss,ms*3 Image acquisition complete WeekDay Mon Day  HH:mm:ss,ms*3 YYYY

For example:
2022-09-30 05:40:59,765 Image acquisition complete Fri Sep 30 05:40:59 2022

Data to extract:
* Basic information
 - Experiment details, which may indicate technical issues
 -  GIT commit
 - (Not working as of 2022/10/03, but projects and tags)
* Basic information

New grammar

- Tables are assumed to end with an empty line.

import logging
import typing as t
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd
from pyparsing import (

atomic = t.Union[str, int, float, bool]

[docs]class HeaderEndNotFound(Exception): def __init__(self, message, errors): super().__init__(message) self.errors = errors
[docs]def extract_header(filepath: Path): # header_contents = "" with open(filepath, "r") as f: try: header = "" for _ in range(MAX_NLINES): line = f.readline() header += line if HEADER_END in line: break except HeaderEndNotFound as e: print(f"{MAX_NLINES} checked and no header found") raise (e) return header
[docs]def parse_table( string: str, start_trigger: t.Union[str, Keyword], ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Parse csv-like table Parameters ---------- string : str contents to parse start_trigger : t.Union[str, t.Collection] string or triggers that indicate section start. Returns ------- pd.Dataframe or dict of atomic values (int,str,bool,float) DataFrame representing table. Examples -------- >>> table = parse_table() """ if isinstance(start_trigger, str): start_trigger: Keyword = Keyword(start_trigger) EOL = LineEnd().suppress() field = OneOrMore(CharsNotIn(":,\n")) line = LineStart() + Group( OneOrMore(field + Literal(",").suppress()) + field + EOL ) parser = ( start_trigger + EOL + Group(OneOrMore(line)) + EOL # end_trigger.suppress() ) parser_result = parser.search_string(string) assert all( [len(row) == len(parser_result[0]) for row in parser_result] ), f"Table {start_trigger} has unequal number of columns" assert len(parser_result), f"Parsing is empty. {parser}" return table_to_df(parser_result.as_list())
[docs]def parse_fields( string: str, start_trigger, end_trigger=None ) -> t.Union[pd.DataFrame, t.Dict[str, atomic]]: """ Fields are parsed as key: value By default the end is an empty newline. For example group: YST_1510 field: time start: 0 interval: 300 frames: 180 """ EOL = LineEnd().suppress() if end_trigger is None: end_trigger = EOL elif isinstance(end_trigger, str): end_trigger = Literal(end_trigger) field = OneOrMore(CharsNotIn(":\n")) line = ( LineStart() + Group(field + Combine(OneOrMore(Literal(":").suppress() + field))) + EOL ) parser = ( start_trigger + EOL + Group(OneOrMore(line)) + end_trigger.suppress() ) parser_result = parser.search_string(string) results = parser_result.as_list() assert len(results), "Parsing returned nothing" return fields_to_dict_or_table(results)
# Grammar specification grammar = { "general": { "start_trigger": Literal("Swain Lab microscope experiment log file"), "type": "fields", "end_trigger": "-----Acquisition settings-----", }, "image_config": { "start_trigger": "Image Configs:", "type": "table", }, "device_properties": { "start_trigger": "Device properties:", "type": "table", }, "group": { "position": { "start_trigger": Group( Group(Literal("group:") + Word(printables)) + Group(Literal("field:") + "position") ), "type": "table", }, **{ key: { "start_trigger": Group( Group(Literal("group:") + Word(printables)) + Group(Literal("field:") + key) ), "type": "fields", } for key in ("time", "config") }, }, } ACQ_START = "-----Acquisition settings-----" HEADER_END = "-----Experiment started-----" MAX_NLINES = 2000 # In case of malformed logfile # test_file = "/home/alan/Downloads/pH_med_to_low.log" # test_file = "/home/alan/Documents/dev/skeletons/scripts/dev/C1_60x.log" ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \t") # time_fields = parse_field(acq, start_trigger=grammar["group"]["time"]["start_trigger"]) # config_fields = parse_fields( # acq, start_trigger=grammar["group"]["config"]["start_trigger"] # ) # general_fields = parse_fields(basic, start_trigger=grammar["general"]["start_trigger"])
[docs]def parse_from_grammar(filepath: str, grammar: t.Dict): header = extract_header(filepath) d = {} for key, values in grammar.items(): try: if "type" in values: d[key] = parse_x(header, **values) else: # Use subkeys to parse groups for subkey, subvalues in values.items(): subkey = "_".join((key, subkey)) d[subkey] = parse_x(header, **subvalues) except Exception as e: logging.getLogger("aliby").critical( f"Parsing failed for key {key} and values {values}" ) raise (e) return d
[docs]def table_to_df(result: t.List[t.List]): if len(result) > 1: # Multiple tables with ids to append # Generate multiindex from "Name column" # index = [row[1][0][1] for table in result for row in table] # table[1][0].index("Name") # for automatic indexing from itertools import product group_name = [ product((table[0][0][1],), (row[0] for row in table[1][1:])) for table in result ] tmp = [pair for pairset in group_name for pair in pairset] multiindices = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tmp) df = pd.DataFrame( [row for pr in result for row in pr[1][1:]], columns=result[0][1][0], index=multiindices, ) = result[0][0][1][1] else: # If it is a single table df = pd.DataFrame(result[0][1][1:], columns=result[0][1][0]) return df
[docs]def fields_to_dict_or_table(result: t.List[t.List]): if len(result) > 1: formatted = pd.DataFrame( [[row[1] for row in pr[1]] for pr in result], columns=[x[0] for x in result[0][1]], index=[x[0][0][1] for x in result], ) = result[0][0][1][1] else: # If it is a single table formatted = {k: _cast_type(v) for k, v in dict(result[0][1]).items()} return formatted
def _cast_type(x: str) -> t.Union[str, int, float, bool]: # Convert to any possible when possible x = x.strip() if x.isdigit(): x = int(x) else: try: x = float(x) except: try: x = ("false", "true").index(x.lower()) except: pass return x
[docs]def parse_x(string: str, type: str, **kwargs): # return eval(f"parse_{type}({string}, **{kwargs})") return eval(f"parse_{type}(string, **kwargs)")
[docs]def parse_from_swainlab_grammar(filepath: t.Union[str, Path]): return parse_from_grammar(filepath, grammar)