Source code for extraction.core.functions.math_utils

import numpy as np

[docs]def div0(array, fill=0, axis=-1): """ Divide array a by array b. If the result is a scalar and infinite, return fill. If the result contain elements that are infinite, replace these elements with fill. Parameters ---------- a: array b: array fill: float **kwargs: kwargs """ assert array.shape[axis] == 2, f"Array has the wrong shape in axis {axis}" slices_0, slices_1 = [[slice(None)] * len(array.shape)] * 2 slices_0[axis] = 0 slices_1[axis] = 1 with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): c = np.true_divide( array[tuple(slices_0)], array[tuple(slices_1)], ) if np.isscalar(c): return c if np.isfinite(c) else fill else: c[~np.isfinite(c)] = fill return c