Source code for aliby.track.cell_tracker

#!/usr/bin/env python
TrackerCoordinator class to coordinate cell tracking and bud assignment.
import pickle
import typing as t
from collections import Counter
from os.path import dirname, join
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC

from agora.track_abc import FeatureCalculator

models_path = join(dirname(__file__), "../models")

[docs]class CellTracker(FeatureCalculator): """ Class used to manage cell tracking. You can call it using an existing model or use the inherited CellTrainer to get a new one. Initialization parameters: :model: sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier object :trapfeats: Features to manually calculate within a trap :extrafeats: Additional features to calculate :model: Model to use, if provided ignores all other args but threshs :bak_model: Backup mode to use when prediction is unsure :nstepsback: int Number of timepoints to go back :thresh: float Cut-off value to assume a cell is not new :low_thresh: Lower thresh for model switching :high_thresh: Higher thresh for model switching. Probabilities between these two thresholds summon the backup model. :aweights: area weight for barycentre calculations # Feature order in array features 1. basic features 2. trap features (within a trap) 3. extra features (process between imgs) """
[docs] def __init__( self, feats2use=None, trapfeats=None, extrafeats=None, model=None, bak_model=None, thresh=None, low_thresh=None, high_thresh=None, nstepsback=None, aweights=None, red_fun=None, max_distance=None, **kwargs, ): if trapfeats is None: trapfeats = () if extrafeats is None: extrafeats = () if type(model) is str or type(model) is Path: with open(Path(model), "rb") as f: model = pickle.load(f) if type(bak_model) is str or type(bak_model) is Path: with open(Path(bak_model), "rb") as f: bak_model = pickle.load(f) if aweights is None: self.aweights = None if feats2use is None: # Ignore this block when training if model is None: model = self.load_model(models_path, "ct_XGBC_20220703_11.pkl") if bak_model is None: bak_model = self.load_model( models_path, "ct_XGBC_20220703_10.pkl" ) self.model = model self.bak_model = bak_model main_feats = model.all_ifeats bak_feats = bak_model.all_ifeats feats2use, trapfeats, extrafeats = [ tuple(sorted(set(main).union(bak))) for main, bak in zip(main_feats, bak_feats) ] # Training AND non-training part super().__init__( feats2use, trapfeats=trapfeats, extrafeats=extrafeats, **kwargs ) self.extrafeats = tuple(extrafeats) self.all_ofeats = self.outfeats + trapfeats + extrafeats self.noutfeats = len(self.all_ofeats) if hasattr(self, "bak_model"): # Back to non-training only self.mainof_ids = [ self.all_ofeats.index(f) for f in self.model.all_ofeats ] self.bakof_ids = [ self.all_ofeats.index(f) for f in self.bak_model.all_ofeats ] if nstepsback is None: nstepsback = 3 self.nstepsback = nstepsback if thresh is None: thresh = 0.5 self.thresh = thresh if low_thresh is None: low_thresh = 0.4 if high_thresh is None: high_thresh = 0.6 self.low_thresh, self.high_thresh = low_thresh, high_thresh if red_fun is None: red_fun = np.nanmax self.red_fun = red_fun if max_distance is None: self.max_distance = max_distance
[docs] def get_feats2use(self): """ Return feats to be used from a loaded random forest model model """ nfeats = get_nfeats_from_model(self.model) nfeats_bak = get_nfeats_from_model(self.bak_model) # max_nfeats = max((nfeats, nfeats_bak)) return (switch_case_nfeats(nfeats), switch_case_nfeats(nfeats_bak))
[docs] def calc_feat_ndarray(self, prev_feats, new_feats): """ Calculate feature ndarray using two ndarrays of features. --- input :prev_feats: ndarray (ncells, nfeats) of timepoint 1 :new_feats: ndarray (ncells, nfeats) of timepoint 2 returns :n3darray: ndarray (ncells_prev, ncells_new, nfeats) containing a cell-wise substraction of the features in the input ndarrays. """ if not (new_feats.any() and prev_feats.any()): return np.array([]) n3darray = np.empty((len(prev_feats), len(new_feats), self.ntfeats)) # print('self: ', self, ' self.ntfeats: ', self.ntfeats, ' featsshape: ', new_feats.shape) for i in range(self.ntfeats): n3darray[..., i] = np.subtract.outer( prev_feats[:, i], new_feats[:, i] ) n3darray = self.calc_dtfeats(n3darray) return n3darray
[docs] def calc_dtfeats(self, n3darray): """ Calculates features obtained between timepoints, such as distance for every pair of cells from t1 to t2. --- input :n3darray: ndarray (ncells_prev, ncells_new, ntfeats) containing a cell-wise substraction of the features in the input ndarrays. returns :newarray: 3d array taking the features specified in self.outfeats and self.trapfeats and adding dtfeats """ newarray = np.empty(n3darray.shape[:-1] + (self.noutfeats,)) newarray[..., : len(self.outfeats)] = n3darray[ ..., : len(self.outfeats) ] newarray[ ..., len(self.outfeats) : len(self.outfeats) + len(self.trapfeats) ] = n3darray[..., len(self.out_merged) :] for i, feat in enumerate(self.all_ofeats): if feat == "distance": newarray[..., i] = np.sqrt( n3darray[..., self.xind] ** 2 + n3darray[..., self.yind] ** 2 ) return newarray
[docs] def assign_lbls( self, prob_backtrace: np.ndarray, prev_lbls: t.List[t.List[int]], red_fun=None, ): """Assign labels using a prediction matrix of nxmxl where n is the number of cells in the previous image, m the number of steps back considered and l in the new image. It assigns the number zero if it doesn't find the cell. --- input :prob_backtrace: Probability n x m x l array obtained as an output of rforest :prev_labels: List of cell labels for previous timepoint to be compared. :red_fun: Function used to collapse the previous timepoints into one. If none provided it uses maximum and ignores np.nans. returns :new_lbls: ndarray of newly assigned labels obtained, new cells as zero. """ if red_fun is None: red_fun = self.red_fun new_lbls = np.zeros(prob_backtrace.shape[2], dtype=int) pred_matrix = red_fun(prob_backtrace, axis=1) if pred_matrix.any(): # assign available hits row_ids, col_ids = linear_sum_assignment(-pred_matrix) for i, j in zip(row_ids, col_ids): if pred_matrix[i, j] > self.thresh: new_lbls[j] = prev_lbls[i] return new_lbls
[docs] def predict_proba_from_ndarray( self, array_3d: np.ndarray, model: str = None, boolean: bool = False, max_distance: float = None, ): """ input :array_3d: (ncells_tp1, ncells_tp2, out_feats) ndarray :model: str, {'model', 'bak_model'} can force a unique model instead of an ensemble :boolean: bool, if False returns probability, if True returns prediction :max_distance: float Maximum distance (in um) to be considered. If None it uses the instance's value, if zero it skips checking distances. requires :self.model: :self.mainof_ids: list of indices corresponding to the main model's features :self.bakof_ids: list of indices corresponding to the backup model's features returns (ncells_tp1, ncells_tp2) ndarray with probabilities or prediction of cell identities depending on "boolean" arg. """ if array_3d.size == 0: return np.array([]) if model is None: model2use = self.model bak_model2use = self.bak_model bakof_ids = self.bakof_ids mainof_ids = self.mainof_ids else: model2use = getattr(self, "model") bak_model2use = model2use bakof_ids = [ self.all_ofeats.index(f) for f in model2use.all_ofeats ] mainof_ids = [ self.all_ofeats.index(f) for f in model2use.all_ofeats ] fun2use = "predict" if boolean else "predict_proba" predict_fun = getattr(model2use, fun2use) bak_pred_fun = getattr(bak_model2use, fun2use) if max_distance is None: max_distance = self.max_distance orig_shape = array_3d.shape[:2] # Ignore cells that are too far away to possibly be the same cells_near = np.ones(orig_shape, dtype=bool) if max_distance and set(self.all_ofeats).intersection( ("distance", "centroid-0", "centroid-1") ): if "distance" in self.all_ofeats: cells_near = ( array_3d[..., self.all_ofeats.index("distance")] < max_distance ) else: # Calculate euclidean distance cells_near = ( np.sqrt( array_3d[..., self.all_ofeats.index("centroid-0")] + array_3d[..., self.all_ofeats.index("centroid-1")] ) < max_distance ) pred_matrix = np.zeros(orig_shape) prob = np.zeros(orig_shape) if cells_near.any(): prob = predict_fun(array_3d[cells_near][:, mainof_ids])[:, 1] uncertain_dfeats = (self.low_thresh < prob) & ( prob < self.high_thresh ) if uncertain_dfeats.any(): bak_prob = bak_pred_fun( array_3d[cells_near][uncertain_dfeats][:, bakof_ids] )[:, 1] probs_compared = np.stack((prob[uncertain_dfeats], bak_prob)) most_confident_proba = abs((probs_compared - 0.5)).argmax( axis=0 ) prob[uncertain_dfeats] = probs_compared[ most_confident_proba, range(most_confident_proba.shape[0]) ] pred_matrix[cells_near] = prob return pred_matrix
[docs] def get_new_lbls( self, new_img, prev_lbls, prev_feats, max_lbl, new_feats=None, pixel_size=None, **kwargs, ): """ Core function to calculate the new cell labels. ---- input :new_img: ndarray (len, width, ncells) containing the cell outlines :max_lbl: int indicating the last assigned cell label :prev_feats: list of ndarrays of size (ncells x nfeatures) containing the features of previous timepoints :prev_lbls: list of list of ints corresponding to the cell labels in the previous timepoints :new_feats: (optional) Directly give a feature ndarray. It ignores new_img if given. :kwargs: Additional keyword values passed to self.predict_proba_from_ndarray returns :new_lbls: list of labels assigned to new timepoint :new_feats: list of ndarrays containing the updated features :new_max: updated max cell label assigned """ if new_feats is None: new_feats = self.calc_feats_from_mask(new_img) if new_feats.any(): if np.any([len(prev_feat) for prev_feat in prev_feats]): counts = Counter( [lbl for lbl_set in prev_lbls for lbl in lbl_set] ) lbls_order = list(counts.keys()) probs = np.full( (len(lbls_order), self.nstepsback, len(new_feats)), np.nan ) for i, (lblset, prev_feat) in enumerate( zip(prev_lbls, prev_feats) ): if len(prev_feat): feats_3darray = self.calc_feat_ndarray( prev_feat, new_feats ) pred_matrix = self.predict_proba_from_ndarray( feats_3darray, **kwargs, ) for j, lbl in enumerate(lblset): probs[lbls_order.index(lbl), i, :] = pred_matrix[ j, : ] new_lbls = self.assign_lbls(probs, lbls_order) new_cells_pos = new_lbls == 0 new_max = max_lbl + sum(new_cells_pos) new_lbls[new_cells_pos] = [*range(max_lbl + 1, new_max + 1)] # ensure that label output is consistently a list new_lbls = new_lbls.tolist() else: new_lbls = [*range(max_lbl + 1, max_lbl + len(new_feats) + 1)] new_max = max_lbl + len(new_feats) else: return ([], [], max_lbl) return (new_lbls, new_feats, new_max)
[docs] def probabilities_from_impair( self, image_t1: np.ndarray, image_t2: np.ndarray, kwargs_feat_calc: dict = {}, **kwargs, ): """ Convenience function to test tracking between two time-points :image_t1: np.ndarray containing mask of first time-point :image_t2: np.ndarray containing mask of second time-point :kwargs_feat_calc: are passed to self.calc_feats_from_mask calls :kwargs: are passed to self.predict_proba_from_ndarray """ feats_t1 = self.calc_feats_from_mask(image_t1, **kwargs_feat_calc) feats_t2 = self.calc_feats_from_mask(image_t2, **kwargs_feat_calc) probability_matrix = np.array([]) if feats_t1.any() and feats_t2.any(): feats_3darray = self.calc_feat_ndarray(feats_t1, feats_t2) probability_matrix = self.predict_proba_from_ndarray( feats_3darray, **kwargs ) return probability_matrix
# Step CellTracker
[docs] def run_tp( self, masks: np.ndarray, state: t.Dict[str, t.Union[int, list]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Union[t.List[int], t.Dict[str, t.Union[int, list]]]]: """Assign labels to new masks using a state dictionary. Parameters ---------- masks : np.ndarray Cell masks to label. state : t.Dict[str, t.Union[int, list]] Dictionary containing maximum cell label, and previous cell labels and features for those cells. kwargs : keyword arguments Keyword arguments passed to self.get_new_lbls Returns ------- t.Dict[str, t.Union[t.List[int], t.Dict[str, t.Union[int, list]]]] New labels and new state dictionary. Examples -------- FIXME: Add example beyond the trivial one. import numpy as np from baby.tracker.core import celltracker from tqdm import tqdm # overlapping outlines are of shape (t,z,x,y) masks = np.zeros((5, 3, 20, 20), dtype=bool) masks[0, 0, 2:6, 2:6] = true masks[1:, 0, 13:14, 13:14] = true masks[:, 1, 8:12, 8:12] = true masks[:, 2, 14:18, 14:18] = true # 13um pixel size ct = celltracker(pixel_size=0.185) labels = [] state = none for masks_tp in tqdm(masks): new_labels, state = ct.run_tp(masks_tp, state=state) labels.append(new_labels) # should result in state['cell_lbls'] # [[1, 2, 3], [4, 2, 3], [4, 2, 3], [4, 2, 3], [4, 2, 3]] """ if state is None: state = {} max_lbl = state.get("max_lbl", 0) cell_lbls = state.get("cell_lbls", []) prev_feats = state.get("prev_feats", []) # Get features for cells at this time point feats = self.calc_feats_from_mask(masks) lastn_lbls = cell_lbls[-self.nstepsback :] lastn_feats = prev_feats[-self.nstepsback :] new_lbls, _, max_lbl = self.get_new_lbls( masks, lastn_lbls, lastn_feats, max_lbl, feats, **kwargs ) state = { "max_lbl": max_lbl, "cell_lbls": cell_lbls + [new_lbls], "prev_feats": prev_feats + [feats], } return (new_lbls, state)
# Helper functions
[docs]def switch_case_nfeats(nfeats): """ Convenience TEMPORAL function to determine whether to use distance/location as a feature for tracking or not (nfeats=5 for no distance, 7 for distance) input number of feats returns list of main and extra feats based on the number of feats """ main_feats = { 4: [ ("area", "minor_axis_length", "major_axis_length", "bbox_area"), (), (), ], 5: [ ( "area", "minor_axis_length", "major_axis_length", "bbox_area", "perimeter", ), (), (), ], 6: [ ( "area", "minor_axis_length", "major_axis_length", "bbox_area", "perimeter", ), (), ("distance",), ], # Including centroid # 7 : [('centroid', 'area', 'minor_axis_length', 'major_axis_length', # 'bbox_area', 'perimeter'), () , ()], 7: [ ( "area", "minor_axis_length", "major_axis_length", "bbox_area", "perimeter", ), ("baryangle", "barydist"), (), ], 8: [ # Minus centroid ( "area", "minor_axis_length", "major_axis_length", "bbox_area", # "eccentricity", "equivalent_diameter", # "solidity", # "extent", "orientation", # "perimeter", ), ("baryangle", "barydist"), (), ], 10: [ # Minus distance ( "centroid", "area", "minor_axis_length", "major_axis_length", "bbox_area", # "eccentricity", "equivalent_diameter", # "solidity", # "extent", "orientation", # "perimeter", ), ("baryangle", "barydist"), (), ], 11: [ # Minus computationally-expensive features ( "centroid", "area", "minor_axis_length", "major_axis_length", "bbox_area", # "eccentricity", "equivalent_diameter", # "solidity", # "extent", "orientation", # "perimeter", ), ("baryangle", "barydist"), ("distance",), ], 15: [ # All features ( "centroid", "area", "minor_axis_length", "major_axis_length", "bbox_area", "eccentricity", "equivalent_diameter", "solidity", "extent", "orientation", "perimeter", ), ("baryangle", "barydist"), ("distance",), ], } assert nfeats in main_feats.keys(), "invalid nfeats" return main_feats.get(nfeats, [])
[docs]def get_nfeats_from_model(model) -> int: if isinstance(model, SVC): nfeats = model.support_vectors_.shape[-1] elif isinstance(model, RandomForestClassifier): nfeats = model.n_features_ return nfeats