Source code for agora.utils.merge

#!/usr/bin/env jupyter
Functions to efficiently merge rows in DataFrames.
import typing as t
from copy import copy

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from utils_find_1st import cmp_larger, find_1st

from agora.utils.indexing import compare_indices, validate_association

[docs]def apply_merges(data: pd.DataFrame, merges: np.ndarray): """Split data in two, one subset for rows relevant for merging and one without them. It uses an array of source tracklets and target tracklets to efficiently merge them. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame Input DataFrame. merges : np.ndarray 3-D ndarray where dimensions are (X,2,2): nmerges, source-target pair and single-cell identifiers, respectively. Examples -------- FIXME: Add docs. """ indices = data.index if "mother_label" in indices.names: indices = indices.droplevel("mother_label") valid_merges, indices = validate_association( merges, np.array(list(indices)) ) # Assign non-merged merged = data.loc[~indices] # Implement the merges and drop source rows. # TODO Use matrices to perform merges in batch # for ecficiency if valid_merges.any(): to_merge = data.loc[indices] targets, sources = zip(*merges[valid_merges]) for source, target in zip(sources, targets): target = tuple(target) to_merge.loc[target] = join_tracks_pair( to_merge.loc[target].values, to_merge.loc[tuple(source)].values, ) to_merge.drop(map(tuple, sources), inplace=True) merged = pd.concat((merged, to_merge), names=data.index.names) return merged
[docs]def join_tracks_pair(target: np.ndarray, source: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Join two tracks and return the new value of the target. """ target_copy = target end = find_1st(target_copy[::-1], 0, cmp_larger) target_copy[-end:] = source[-end:] return target_copy
[docs]def group_merges(merges: np.ndarray) -> t.List[t.Tuple]: # Return a list where the cell is present as source and target # (multimerges) sources_targets = compare_indices(merges[:, 0, :], merges[:, 1, :]) is_multimerge = sources_targets.any(axis=0) | sources_targets.any(axis=1) is_monomerge = ~is_multimerge multimerge_subsets = union_find(zip(*np.where(sources_targets))) merge_groups = [merges[np.array(tuple(x))] for x in multimerge_subsets] sorted_merges = list(map(sort_association, merge_groups)) # Ensure that source and target are at the edges return [ *sorted_merges, *[[event] for event in merges[is_monomerge]], ]
[docs]def union_find(lsts): sets = [set(lst) for lst in lsts if lst] merged = True while merged: merged = False results = [] while sets: common, rest = sets[0], sets[1:] sets = [] for x in rest: if x.isdisjoint(common): sets.append(x) else: merged = True common |= x results.append(common) sets = results return sets
[docs]def sort_association(array: np.ndarray): # Sort the internal associations order = np.where( (array[:, 0, ..., None] == array[:, 1].T[None, ...]).all(axis=1) ) res = [] [res.append(x) for x in np.flip(order).flatten() if x not in res] sorted_array = array[np.array(res)] return sorted_array
[docs]def merge_association( association: np.ndarray, merges: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: grouped_merges = group_merges(merges) flat_indices = association.reshape(-1, 2) comparison_mat = compare_indices(merges[:, 0], flat_indices) valid_indices = comparison_mat.any(axis=0) if valid_indices.any(): # Where valid, perform transformation replacement_d = {} for dataset in grouped_merges: for k in dataset: replacement_d[tuple(k[0])] = dataset[-1][1] flat_indices[valid_indices] = [ replacement_d[tuple(i)] for i in flat_indices[valid_indices] ] merged_indices = flat_indices.reshape(-1, 2, 2) return merged_indices