Source code for agora.utils.kymograph

#!/usr/bin/env jupyter
import typing as t
from copy import copy

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

from agora.utils.indexing import validate_association

index_row = t.Tuple[str, str, int, int]

[docs]def add_index_levels( df: pd.DataFrame, additional_ids: t.Dict[str, pd.Series] = {} ) -> pd.DataFrame: new_df = copy(df) for k, srs in additional_ids.items(): assert len(srs) == len( new_df ), f"Series and new_df must match; sizes {len(srs)} and {len(new_df)}" new_df[k] = srs new_df.set_index(k, inplace=True, append=True) return new_df
[docs]def drop_level( df: pd.DataFrame, name: str = "mother_label", as_list: bool = True, ) -> t.Union[t.List[index_row], pd.Index]: """ Drop index level. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame Dataframe whose multiindex we will drop name : str Mame of index level to drop as_list : bool Whether to return as a list instead of an index """ short_index = df.index.droplevel(name) if as_list: short_index = short_index.to_list() return short_index
[docs]def intersection_matrix( index1: pd.MultiIndex, index2: pd.MultiIndex ) -> np.ndarray: """Use casting to obtain the boolean mask of the intersection of two multi-indices.""" indices = [index1, index2] for i in range(2): if hasattr(indices[i], "to_list"): indices[i]: t.List = indices[i].to_list() indices[i]: np.ndarray = np.array(indices[i]) return (indices[0][..., None] == indices[1].T).all(axis=1)
[docs]def get_mother_ilocs_from_daughters(df: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray: """Fetch mother locations in the index of df for all daughters in df.""" daughter_ids = df.index[df.index.get_level_values("mother_label") > 0] mother_ilocs = intersection_matrix( daughter_ids.droplevel("cell_label"), drop_level(df, "mother_label", as_list=False), ).any(axis=0) return mother_ilocs
[docs]def get_mothers_from_another_df(whole_df: pd.DataFrame, da_df: pd.DataFrame): daughter_ids = da_df.index[ da_df.index.get_level_values("mother_label") > 0 ] mother_ilocs = intersection_matrix( daughter_ids.droplevel("cell_label"), drop_level(whole_df, "mother_label", as_list=False), ).any(axis=0) return mother_ilocs
[docs]def bidirectional_retainment_filter( df: pd.DataFrame, mothers_thresh: float = 0.8, daughters_thresh: int = 7, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Retrieve families where mothers are present for more than a fraction of the experiment, and daughters for longer than some number of time-points. Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame Data mothers_thresh: float Minimum fraction of experiment's total duration for which mothers must be present. daughters_thresh: int Minimum number of time points for which daughters must be observed """ # daughters all_daughters = df.loc[df.index.get_level_values("mother_label") > 0] # keep daughters observed sufficiently often retained_daughters = all_daughters.loc[ all_daughters.notna().sum(axis=1) > daughters_thresh ] # fetch mother using existing daughters mothers = df.loc[get_mothers_from_another_df(df, retained_daughters)] # keep mothers present for at least a fraction of the experiment's duration retained_mothers = mothers.loc[ mothers.notna().sum(axis=1) > mothers.shape[1] * mothers_thresh ] # drop daughters with no valid mothers final_da_mask = intersection_matrix( drop_level(retained_daughters, "cell_label", as_list=False), drop_level(retained_mothers, "mother_label", as_list=False), ) final_daughters = retained_daughters.loc[final_da_mask.any(axis=1)] # join mothers and daughters and sort index return pd.concat((final_daughters, retained_mothers), axis=0).sort_index()
[docs]def melt_reset(df: pd.DataFrame, additional_ids: t.Dict[str, pd.Series] = {}): new_df = add_index_levels(df, additional_ids) return new_df.melt( ignore_index=False, var_name="time (minutes)", value_name="signal" ).reset_index()
# Drop cells that if used would reduce info the most
[docs]def filt_cluster( kymograph: pd.DataFrame, n: int = 2, ): mask = ~kymograph.iloc[:, kymograph.shape[1] // 2 :].isna().any(axis=1) informative = kymograph.loc[mask] clusters = cluster_kymograph(informative, n) return informative, clusters
[docs]def cluster_kymograph(kymograph: pd.DataFrame, n: int = 2): import bottleneck as bn from sklearn.cluster import KMeans # Normalise according to mean value of signal X = ( kymograph.divide(bn.nanmean(kymograph, axis=1), axis=0) .dropna(axis=1) .values ) km = KMeans(n, random_state=42).fit(X) clusters = km.predict(X) return clusters
[docs]def split_df(df, slices): return [df.iloc(axis=1)[slc] for slc in slices]
[docs]def slices_from_spans(spans: t.Tuple[int], df: pd.DataFrame) -> t.List[slice]: cumsum = np.cumsum(spans) slices = [ slice(start, min(end, df.columns.get_level_values("time")[-1])) for start, end in zip(cumsum[:-1], cumsum[1:]) ] return slices
[docs]def drop_mother_label(index: pd.MultiIndex) -> np.ndarray: no_mother_label = index if "mother_label" in index.names: no_mother_label = index.droplevel("mother_label") return np.array(no_mother_label.tolist())
[docs]def get_index_as_np(signal: pd.DataFrame): # Get mother labels from multiindex dataframe return np.array(signal.index.to_list())
[docs]def standard_filtering( raw: pd.DataFrame, lin: np.ndarray, presence_high: float = 0.8, presence_low: int = 7, ): # Get all mothers _, valid_indices = validate_association( lin, np.array(raw.index.to_list()), match_column=0 ) in_lineage = raw.loc[valid_indices] # Filter mothers by presence present = in_lineage.loc[ in_lineage.notna().sum(axis=1) > (in_lineage.shape[1] * presence_high) ] # Get indices indices = np.array(present.index.to_list()) to_cast = np.stack((lin[:, :2], lin[:, [0, 2]]), axis=1) ndin = to_cast[..., None] == indices.T[None, ...] # use indices to fetch all daughters valid_association = ndin.all(axis=2)[:, 0].any(axis=-1) # Remove repeats mothers, daughters = np.split(to_cast[valid_association], 2, axis=1) mothers = mothers[:, 0] daughters = daughters[:, 0] d_m_dict = {tuple(d): m[-1] for m, d in zip(mothers, daughters)} # assuming unique sorts raw_mothers = raw.loc[_as_tuples(mothers)] raw_mothers["mother_label"] = 0 raw_daughters = raw.loc[_as_tuples(daughters)] raw_daughters["mother_label"] = d_m_dict.values() concat = pd.concat((raw_mothers, raw_daughters)).sort_index() concat.set_index("mother_label", append=True, inplace=True) # Last filter to remove tracklets that are too short removed_buds = concat.notna().sum(axis=1) <= presence_low filt = concat.loc[~removed_buds] # We check that no mothers are left child-less m_d_dict = {tuple(m): [] for m in mothers} for (trap, d), m in d_m_dict.items(): m_d_dict[(trap, m)].append(d) for trap, daughter, mother in concat.index[removed_buds]: idx_to_delete = m_d_dict[(trap, mother)].index(daughter) del m_d_dict[(trap, mother)][idx_to_delete] bud_free = [] for m, d in m_d_dict.items(): if not d: bud_free.append(m) final_result = filt.drop(bud_free) # In the end, we get the mothers present for more than {presence_lineage1}% of the experiment # and their tracklets present for more than {presence_lineage2} time-points return final_result